Be uncommon --- see learning & business differently at NIU Business
At NIU Business, we believe that experiencing what it’s like to implement ideas while you’re in college is as important as the intellectual foundation you get here. We’re more than a fully accredited business school with talented individuals, innovative ideas, nationally-ranked programs, and an extensive network of accomplished alumni, students, faculty, and friends. We also care greatly about every willing student. Explore our programs and our long tradition of excellence ? from our continuous AACSB International accreditation at all levels to our continuous national rank of more than 30 years. Then join NIU Business, and together let’s bridge the gap between Thinking and Doing, preparing you for a wide variety of exciting career opportunities.
Experiential Learning Center
The NIU College of Business Experiential Learning Center (ELC) connects teams of the very best students with accomplished executives. NIU students apply their energies and talents to help solve cross-functional business issues.
Career Compass
Not sure what area of business is right for you? Or have you known what your major will be since you were five? Either way, Career Compass program is designed to help assist you become familiar with NIU's College of Business. The program will help you DISCOVER more about your business self, help you with your DECISION of an academic career path, and help you start preparing to reach your career DESTINATION.
Study Abroad Opportunities
NIU's College of Business combines business fundamentals with immersive and experiential learning situations. Participating in a study abroad program exposes students to the international business environment and offers insight into the challenges faced by actual businesses in a rapidly changing global business environment.
Business Passport
Do you have what it takes to be a business leader? Success in the business world requires more than just learning the "nuts and bolts." Future leaders and professionals need sound leadership skills, a solid ethical stance, a global perspective, and strong business communications to tackle today's business challenges. In NIU's College of Business, you learn outside of the classroom and gain the skills needed to remain competitive in today's increasingly dynamic and global marketplace.Through the Business Passport Program, you engage in a variety of learning activities that are designed to contribute to your success both in the classroom and beyond.