
文章来源:菲律宾法蒂玛大学时间:2020-04-14 10:22:41

2014-2015学年第二学期法蒂玛大学毕业典礼于3月19日至20日在 PICC PlenaryHall, Roxas Boulevard, Manila举行,欢迎大家参加。

  Graduation Ceremonies for the 2nd semester of SY 2014-15 has been scheduled on March 19-20 at the PICC Plenary Hall, Roxas Boulevard,Manila. The deadline for the submission of completed graduation clearances has been set at March 7. Prospective graduating students who are unable to submit completed graduation clearances by this date will not be included in the final roster of Graduating Students for the 2nd semester of SY 2014-15.