Dr Sebastiano Delre 教授
Sebastiano Alessio Delre 博士,2008年获得经济学与商业市场营销博士学位,毕业于荷兰格罗宁根大学经济与商业学院。
Sebastiano Alessio Delre博士曾任苏黎世大学(University of Zurich)高级研究员助理。2017年加入蒙彼利埃商学院。
Name and academic title:Dr Sebastiano Delre
Grade held in the institution:Associate Professor
Teaching department:Marketing,Sales and Communication Department
1. PhD
Year & Diploma:2008: PhD Economics and Business, Marketing from University of Groningen, Faculty of Economics and Business, Netherlands.
2. Short bio
Before joining Montpellier Business School in 2017, Dr Sebastiano Alessio Delre was a senior researcher associate at the University of Zurich. He defended his PhD in 2008 at the University of Groningen.
His research interests are Innovation diffusion; New products; Social networks; Social influence; Word-of-mouth; Advertising; Social-media; Competition; Marketing modeling; Marketing dynamics; Estimation techniques; Time series analysis; Agent-based models.
His teaching interests are Marketing modelling; Advanced marketing research; Distribution networks and international retailing; Marketing research; New products and product management; Introduction to e-marketing and e-commerce; Marketing Management; International Marketing; Consumer Behaviour.
3. Most recent publications
Delre, S. A., Panico C., Wierenga, B. (2016). Competitive strategies in the motion picture industry: An ABM to study investment decisions, International Journal of Research in Marketing, forthcoming.
Delre, S. A., Broekhuizen, T. L. J., Bijmolt, T. H. A. (2016). The Effects of Shared Consumption on Product Life Cycles and Advertising Effectiveness: The Case of the Motion Picture Market, Journal of Marketing Research, 53(4), 608-627.
Broekhuizen, T. L. J., Delre, S. A., Torres, A. (2011). Simulating the Cinema Market: How Cross-Cultural Differences in Social Influence Explain Box Office Distributions, Journal of Product Innovation Management, 28(2), 204-217.
Delre, S. A., Jager, W., Bijmolt, T. H. A., Janssen, M. (2010). Will it spread or not? The Effects of Social Influences and Network Topology on Innovation Diffusion Dynamics, Journal of Product Innovation Management, 27(2), 267-282.
Delre, S. A., Broekhuizen, T. L. J., Jager, W. (2008). The Effects of Social Influence on Market Inequalities in the Motion Picture Industry, Advances in Complex Systems, 11(2), 273-287.
Delre, S. A., Jager, W., Janssen, M. (2007). Diffusion Dynamics in Small-World Networks with Heterogeneous Consumers, Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory, 13, 185-202.
Delre, S. A., Jager, W., Bijmolt, T. H. A., Janssen, M. (2007). Targeting and Timing Promotional Activities: an Agent-based Model for the Takeoff of New Product, Journal of Business Research, 60(8), 826-835.
Delre, S. A., Parisi, D. (2006). Information and Cooperation in a Simulated Labor Market: a Computational Model for the Evolution of Workers and Firms, in Colander, D. and Salsano, M. (Eds.) Complexity Hints for Policy, Springer Verlag, Berlin.
Hoffmann, A. O. I., Delre, S. A., Von Eije, J. H., and Jager, W. (2006). Artificial Multi-Agent Stock Markets: Simple Strategies, Complex Outcomes, in Bruun, C. (Ed.), Advances in Artificial Economics: The Economy as a Complex Dynamic System, Springer Verlag, Berlin.
Hoffmann, A. O. I., Delre, S. A., Ejje, H. J. V. and Jager, W. (2005). Stock Price Dynamics in Artificial Multi-Agent Stock Market, in Mathieu, P., Beaufils, B. and Brandouy, O. (Eds.), Artificial Economics: Agent-Based Models in Finance, Game Theory and Their Applications, Springer Verlag, Berlin.