
文章来源:南京大学时间:2013-02-26 10:07:11




1) 建立了低温 THz光谱测量系统,大大拓宽了 THz光谱技术的应用范围,使之成为一个研究材料,生物分子,药物分子和超导材料的有效手段。 2)在MgB2 超导薄膜的微波和太赫兹表征方面,发现了反常电导率峰,揭示了MgB2 的双能隙特性在相干效应上的特殊表现;另外测得薄膜的表面电阻在THz波段小于正常金属, 表明超导无源器件在太赫兹波段仍然具有优越性。由于该工作的原创性和重要性,做出了原创性的工作,结果发表在PRL, PRB和APL(均为第一作者)。

B. B. Jin et.al., “ Microwave and Terahertz surface resistance of MgB2 thin film” , Journal of Superconductivity and novel magnetism 19, 617(2006)

B. B. Jin et. al., “ THz surface impedance of epitaxial MgB2 thin film” , Appl. Phys. Lett. 87, 092503 (2005)

B. B. Jin, et al., " Anomalous coherence peak in the microwave conductivity of c-axis oriented MgB2 thin films" , Phys. Rev. Lett. 91, 127006 (2003)

B. B. Jin, N.Klein, W.N. Kang et al., " Microwave surface impedance of MgB2 thin film" , Superconductor Science and Technology 16, 205(2003) B. B. Jin, N. Klein, W. N. Kang et al., " Energy gap, penetration depth, and surface resistance of MgB2 thin films determined by microwave resonator measurements" Phys. Rev. B 66, 104521(2002)