
文章来源:吉林大学时间:2014-06-18 10:17:57


1957年毕业于长春地质学院。现任吉林大学环境与资源学院院长,北京师范大学水环境模拟国家重点实验室学术委员会主席。1980-1982年在美国爱达荷大学和宾夕法尼亚州大学进修, 1990年在澳大利亚科学工业研究院(CSIRO)任高级访问学者。

早年从事地下水管理模型的理论与方法研究,使我国地下水管理工作进入系统化、模型化、定量化的新阶段。在区域和城市地下水资源评价、水流模拟、预报研究方面取得多项成果, 并建立了我国最早的一批地下水水质模型。近年来在地下水污染机理和微生物治理地下水污染理论方面进行了系统研究。是我国最早从事环境水文地质和地下水资源管理研究的学者之一。

自1985年以来,完成国家、部(省) 级科研生产项目30多项,获国家、部(省) 级奖励11项,其中国家六・五科技攻关项目 "石家庄市地下水资源科学管理" 、国家七・五科技攻关项目 "石羊河流域水资源管理"和"国家技术标准---地质矿产术语分类代码(水文地质部分)" 等均获地矿部科技成果一等奖,并分别获得国家科技进步二等奖一项和三等奖三项,取得较好的社会效益,经济效益和环境效益。现正主持国家自然科学基金、国家重点基础研究发展规划项目(973,G1999043606)以及省部级项目等多项。已出版专著13部,发表论文80多篇,其中30多篇曾在国际学术会议上交流并纳入会议论文集。培养硕±、博士研究生40多人。参加和主持过多次国际学术会议,是第28和30届国际地质大会环境水文地质分会的召集人和1998年"未来地下水危机国际会议"学术委员会主席。多次参加美、欧、澳洲等有关国家的学术会议或进行互访。

在国内外学术组织担任各种职务。曾被评为"吉林省有突出贡献的中青年专业技术人才",获"吉林英才" 奖章和 "全国三八红旗手"称号,并享受国务院政府特殊津贴。1997年当选为中国科学院院士。

Lin Xueyu, Hydrogeologist and Environmental Hydrogeologist, is the member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. In 1937, she was born in Shanghai, but the native place is Fuzhou city of Fujian province. In 1957,she graduated from Changchun College of Geology. Now, she is the director of Institute of Applied Hydrogeology , Changchun University of Science and Technology. From 1980-1982, she took a refresher course in University of Idaho and Pennsylvanian State University in America. Then, she was a senior visiting scholar in Commonwealth Scientific Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO) in Australia in 1990.

In early years, she engaged in the theory and method study of ground water management models that made the groundwater management enter into a new stage of systematization, modeling and quantization in China. Also, the achievements in her scientific research of groundwater evaluation , simulation and prediction were obtained. The models of groundwater quality were the ones that were built at the earliest year in China. In recent years, the mechanism of groundwater contamination and its control by microbiology have been studied systematically. She is one of the earliest scholars who engaged in the study of environmental hydrogeology and groundwater management.From 1985, she finished more than 30 items of national or ministry degree research projects and got awards with national and ministry degree for 11 times. The national sixth five years science project "Groundwater management in Shijiazhhuan City", the national seventh five years project "Water resources management in Shiyang River Basin" and " The national technology standard-the terminology classification codes of geology and mineral resources " got the first grade of ministry of mineral science and technology achievement award respectively, also got the second grade of national science and technology progress award for 1 time and the third grade of national science and technology progress award for 2 times. She issued 12 works and more than 50 papers. 29 of her papers were communicated in the international learning conference and selected in the conference paper collection. She has cultivated over 40 master and doctorate students. She was awarded as "Jilin province outstanding profession person with middle-age" and medal of "jilin person of outstanding ability". She shares the special award of center government.

In 1997, She was selected as a member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.