International Journal of Translation编委
1、“中外最新翻译学著作评论”(No:TJYW06-4-011), 天津市哲学社会科学研究规划资助项目(2006-2007),排序第一
2、“翻译地理学”(No:YWHQ-1-11), 天津市哲学社会科学研究规划重点项目(2009-2010), 排序第一
3、“中西方文化交流中的逆差平衡”(No.01JK135), 陕西省教育厅专项科研计划项目(2001-2002),排序第一
4、“全球化语境下的散居族裔文化研究”(No: TJ-05YW0401),天津市哲学社会科学研究规划资助重点项目(2005-2007),排序第四
5、“西方翻译理论史稿” (No:TJ05-YW0204),天津市哲学社会科学研究规划资助项目(2005-2007),排序第三
2、“中西方文化交流中的逆差平衡”2005年6月荣获陕西高校人文社科优秀成果三等奖, No:SK051008
1、《工商企业翻译实务》,中国对外翻译出版公司,2002,2004;香港中文大学出版社(繁体字版) 2003,独著
1、TCM Translation : An Analysis of the Principles. Translatio 1999(1)
2、Review: History of World’s Translations of Chinese Writings. Meta, 2002(1)
3、Review: Culture and Translation. Perspectives: Studies in Translatology, 2002(3); A&HCI: 604NX
4、Review: Emerging Views on Translation History in Brazil. Perspectives: Studies in Translatology, 2002(4) A&HCI: 649AT
5、Review:The Influence of Chinese Culture on Europe. Perspectives: Studies in Translatology, 2002(4); A&HCI: 649AT
Retranslation: Direct or Indirect. International Journal of Translation, 2003(2)
7、Review: Translation Studies and Practice. Perspectives: Studies in Translatology, 2003(2); A&HCI: 743BJ
8、Review: A Concise History of Chinese Translation. Perspectives Studies in Translatology, 2003(2); A&HCI: 743BJ
9、Review: English Poems and Their Chinese Translations. Perspectives Studies in Translatology, 2003(2); A&HCI: 751PL
10、Review: A Study and Translation of Tu Sikong’s The Realm of Poetry. Perspectives Studies in Translatology, 2003(3); A&HCI: 751PL
11、Retranslation: Necessary or Unnecessary. Babel ,2003(3)
12、Review: Translation and Medicine. Babel, 2003(4)
13、Review: On Translation Variation. Meta, 2003(4); A&HCI: 759NM
14、Review: Translation Variation Theory. Meta, 2003(4); A&HCI: 759NM
15、《翻译在科学知识跨文化跨时代传播中的作用》述评. 中国科技翻译,2004(1)
16、Review: Translation and Globalization. Perspectives: Studies in Translatology, 2004(2); A&HCI: 863IF
17、Review: Translation in Cultural Communication. Perspectives: Studies in Translatology, 2004(2); A&HCI: 863IF
18、Review: Becoming a Translator: An Introduction to the Theory and Practice of Translation. Perspectives: Studies in Translatology , 2004(2),A&HCI: 863IF
19、Review: The Science of Translatology. Perspectives: Studies in Translatology, 2004(3); A&HCI: 882WB; CSA: 200508118
20、Review: Interpreters at the United Nations: A History. Perspectives: Studies in Translatology, 2004 (4), A&HCI:921YD
21、Review: Critique of Translation Theories in Chinese Tradition, Meta, 2004(4); A&HCI: 881KN
Review: A Study on Nida’s Translation Theory. Meta, 2004(4); A&HCI: 881KN
22、Review: A Simiotic Approach to Literary Translation. Meta, 2004(4); A&HCI:881KN
23、Review: Science in Translation. Babel, 2004(4)
24、《联合国译员史》简介. 中国翻译,2005(1),CSSCI;人大复印资料:4170
25、《培养译者:翻译理论与实践导论》评介. 中国科技翻译,2005(2)
26、多语境下的英语翻译--《印度的英语翻译》简评. 上海翻译,2005(3)
27、Training Translators in China. Meta, 2005 (1). A&HCI:918ZT
28、Brief History of Science Translation in China. Meta, 2005 (3),A&HCI:970QV
29、Review: Translating India. Perspectives: Studies in Translatology, 2005(1);A&HCI:974KV
30、Review: The history of interpretation in China. Perspectives: Studies in Translatology, 2005(1); A&HCI: 974KV
31、System of Translation Variation. International Journal of Translation,2005(1-2)
32、Review: Identity and Difference: Translation Shaping Culture. Perspectives: Studies in Translatology, 2005(4) A&HCI: 048AN
33、Review: Theatrical Translation and Film Adaptation. A Practitioner’s View. Perspectives: Studies in Translatology, 2005(4),A&HCI: 048AN
34、Review: Less Translated Languages. Perspectives: Studies in Translatology, 2005(4)A&HCI: 048AN
35、Review: Business Translation. Perspectives: Studies in Translatology, 2005(4); A&HCI: 048AN
36、Reevaluation of Lin Shu (the Chinese Translator): A Systemic Approach to Literary Translation. Translation Today, 2005(2)
37、Foreignization or Domestication: Translators’ Conscious Activity. International Journal of Translation, 2006(1-2)
38、Review: Linguistic Identities Through Translation. Perspectives: Studies in Translatology, 2006(2);A&HCI:118ZO
39、Review: The History of Science Translation in China. Perspectives: Studies in Translatology, 2006(2);A&HCI:118ZO
41、Review: A Revolution: Learn to learn English. Indian Journal of Applied Linguistics, 2007(1)
42、Review: Children’s Literature in Translation: Challenges and Strategies. Perspectives: Studies in Translatology, 2007
43、Review: Children’s Literature in Translation: Challenges and Strategies. Perspectives: Studies in Translatology, 2007(1). AHCI:369SI
44、Review:Translation as Manipulated by Power Relations. Journal of Language and Politics, 2008(1); AHCI:353FN
45、Review: The Politics of Translation: Translation Studies and Cultural Studies. Journal of Language and Politics, 2008(1); AHCI:353FN
46、Review: Translation as Polyphonic Dialogues. Perspectives: Studies in Translatology, 2007(3); AHCI:353AC
47、Review: On the Development of Translation Competence Through Translation Instruction,Meta,2008(3); AHCI:369SI
48、Translation Studies in China: From Perspectives of Nida’s Phenomenon. Translation and Cultural Diversity-XVIII FIT World Congress Proceedings, 外文出版社,2008.8
49、知异方知译――谈企业简介的汉译英. 中国科技翻译,2008(4)
50、Review:Translation in Intercultural Communication. Perspectives: Studies in Translatology,2008(1-2); A&HCI:
51、Review: Cultural Translation from Chinese to English: A Case Study of Translation and Interpretation of Selected Contemporary Text. Perspectives: Studies in Translatology, 2008(1-2); AHCI:
52、Review: On the Criticism of Literary Translation. Meta,2008(4):933-935. AHCI:404MS
53、Review: Renowned Translators: Their Theory and Practice. Meta, 2008(4):935-936. AHCI: 404MS
55、翻译错误价值论. 上海翻译,2010(1)
56、Review:Topics in Language Resources for Translation and Localisation. Interpreter and Translator Trainer,2010(1). A&HCI
57、Drama Language Translation. Perspectives: Studies in Translatology, 2011(1).A&HCI
60、Poetic Dialogue Analysis of Chinese-English Poetry Translation. Language and Dialogue, 2011(2)
61、Review:A General History of Western Translation Theory. Language and Dialogue, 2011(2)
62、Review:Beyond Descriptive Translation Studies: Investigations in homage to Gideon Toury.
Meta, (to be published)
63、翻译生态学断想. 中国高校人文社会科学信息网论文在线,2010-07-30
64、陕北民歌翻译生态标准浅说. 中国高校人文社会科学信息网论文在线,2010-07-30
65、不作为:译者的适应性选择. 中国高校人文社会科学信息网论文在线,2010-07-30
66、翻译生态系统的调控机制. 中国高校人文社会科学信息网论文在线,2010-07-30
67、翻译经济地理论. 中国高校人文社会科学信息网论文在线,2010-09-27